
Some Helpful Advice!

Don't let this semester slip away! No one wants to find themselves panicking come May searching for an internship or job, so go ahead and get the ball rolling. Here is some great advice from senior Ashleigh Clark, which will hopefully help us all get motivated to get our resumes and applications out there!

"No one ever attains very eminent success by simply doing what is required of him; it is the amount and excellence of what is over and above the required that determines the greatness of ultimate distinction." Charles Kendall Adams 

Well said Charles! For Nursing Students, getting into an esteemed school is less than half of the battle. It is the art of successfully completing your schooling, passing the NCLEX, and attaining a job after graduating that ultimately finalizes your journey.

But wait…what about the economy?! Unfortunately for new graduate nurses, being able to land your dream job straight out of school has become somewhat of a rare event. Hospitals are cutting their budgets back and semi-retired nurses are reentering the field due to economic strains. This has placed our generation’s applications at-risk for falling by the wayside when applying.  News of this sort can be disheartening and cause severe anxiety for many. But, “If there’s a will… there’s a way!”

The key to overcoming this obstacle is beginning your job search EARLY! This means getting your foot in the door with an entry level position and taking full advantage of networking opportunities. Make the most of summer and winter breaks to gain additional clinical experience and skills outside of the school setting.

 Hospitals all over metro-Atlanta and beyond offer programs for Student Nurses to work as Nurse Externs, PCTs, Clinical Partners, and CNAs. Paying attention to scholarship opportunities and actually applying increase your chances for obtaining tuition assistance and eventual job prospects as well.  Career fairs are crucial for companies to place a face with an application, but only if you attend. Ask your clinical instructors and professors if they know of opportunities within the community…often times they have connections with past employers and are able to recommend you for a job.

Nurses are always going to be needed, but you cannot expect a job to be handed to you! Building your career is hard-work and time-consuming and simply doing nothing will get you nowhere… FAST!

As Yoda says, “DO or DO NOT… there is no try!” If your heart remains dedicated to the profession of nursing, you will go FAR! J

Below is a list of metro Atlanta hospitals offering several opportunities for Student Nurses and a few tips for those applying:
·         Research!
-Review the hospital’s website prior to applying.
-Know their mission, vision, values.
-What opportunities do they offer for students?

·         APPLY ON TIME!
-Deadlines are important! Late and incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
-Create your resume now! Mercer offers Career Services in order to assist you with this task!
-Pay attention to application requirements. Do you need to send transcripts, recommendation letters, and alternate forms?

·         Follow up!
-Contact human resources to insure your application was received.
-Provide a valid email address and phone number for the company to be able to contact you.

·         Interview successfully!
-Utilize Mercer's Career Services website for interview tips and skills.
-Dress for success!
-Remember to smile!

·         Follow up again!
-Obtain a business card and contact information for the person who conducted your interview.
-Send a “Thank You” email afterwards.
-Don’t be afraid to ask when you will hear from the employer about the job offer.

Good luck and GET TO IT!

Ashleigh M. Clark
Georgia Baptist College of Nursing, Class of 2011


Getting through the first two weeks can be challenging!

Something fun to chew on...
It's been a grueling two weeks, with the blizzard, the delay of classes, and now the rush to squeeze it all in I think we can all agree we are exhausted! I asked one of our fellow classmates to share how she keeps a level head during the hustle and bustle. She quickly replied "good food!" So here is a helpful hint from Kristen Schloegel, a senior, a runner, and a self-proclaimed foodie! 

Welcome back everyone! It’s been a rough start and I know we are all getting adjusted to life in the fast lane…with that being said, I wanted to share a fun, let’s not talk about classes kind of postJ I was thinking about what I like to read about when I read blogs and the first thing that came to mind was FOOD! I know that we are all being pulled in so many different directions and we need to be here and there, so it is that much easier for us to create poor eating habits. And I don’t know about you, but for me when I eat badly, I feel bad. It’s as simple as that. So, I wanted to share some ideas for making food on the go and preparing ahead of time for our CRAZY weeks. My hope is that you will all respond with other ideas and eating tips for us to share. Because let’s face it, healthy eating equals more energy and more energy equals better performance in the classroom and in the hospital! It’s a win-win situation…

I would like to share a recipe that I have recently come across…this one I have made twice in two weeks! It’s THAT good, people. It’s a Giada recipe from one of her shows and I promise it does not disappoint. It’s very straightforward, easy, filling and delicious! And the best part is saves well, so I have eaten it for dinner 4 times this week (it makes 4 servings). Saves me money, time and I am still eating healthy…what’s not to love about that?! Drumroll please…….it’s called Couscous-Stuffed Peppers with Basil Sauce. YUM! Check it out here:

What’s your favorite healthy meal? Let us know!


Member Meeting

GBANS Member Meeting
January 31, 2011 12-1pm Room TBA

If you are interested in a position on the GBANS board, we’ll have board members there talking about each position. This is an opportunity to learn more and ask questions about GBANS! We will hold elections for the new GBANS board soon and this is a great way to get your foot in the door! (It looks GREAT on your resume if you’re involved too = bonus!)


GBANS Minutes 1-19-11

Jaunary 2011 Board Meeting Minutes 

GBANS Board Meeting

January 19, 2011
I.      Call to Order – Allie – 1205p
·         Attendance:
o   Allie Dye
o   Katie J
o   Ashley Crumbley
o   Natasha Wijesooriya
o   Jaime Benator
o   Jason Walker
o   Megan Seston
o   Jamie Barrera
o   Amanda Davis
o   April Wright
o   Emily Gay
o   Kirsten Anderson
o   Camille Sterling
o   Lacresha Wilburn
o   Erica Thomson
o   Shala Smith
·         Contact Info Update

II.      Spring Board Meetings – Allie
·         February – 2/14/11
·         March – 3/15/11 (tentative) *Transition Meeting
·         April – Allie will get back on this.

III.      Spring Member Meetings – Allie
·         January – 1/31/11
·         February – 2/21/11 *Elections 2/28/11
·         March – 3/14/11 (Career Fair)
·         April – 4/25/11

IV.      NSNA Convention - Allie
·         April 6-10th – Salt Lake City, UT “Defy Gravity: Reach New Nursing Summits!”
·         Visit this website to learn more: http://www.nsna.org/Meetings/AnnualConvention.aspx
·         Hotel Registration - $120-$188 + tax per night
o   Marriott Downtown is Headquarters Hotel: $175 + tax per night
o   https://resweb.passkey.com/Resweb.do?mode=welcome_ei_new&eventID=3101788
·         Convention Registration – Advanced Registration: $100 (Mailed or postmarked by March 14th or Online by March 21st). On site registration: $110. Daily rate: $60.
·         Flights to Salt Lake City, UT: approximately $400 round trip
·         Total average cost for student attending NSNA: $400 flight + $200 spitting hotel room between 4 students for 4 nights + $100 convention registration + $100 food and other= $800
·         Tentative Schedule: http://www.nsna.org/Portals/0/Skins/NSNA/pdf/Tentative_Conv_Schedule.pdf
·         Most of the awards are due by March 11, 2011 – If your position plans to apply for an award, we need to set a time to meet to discuss the award applications and deadlines (by 1/26/11). Possible award applications: Community Service, BTN, Legislation, Website. Please visit the PDF file I sent you via e-mail for more information.
·         Delegate Sign-ups in February (Board members interested??)
·         Resolution updates? All info due to NSNA by ??

V.      Position Questions/Ideas
·         1st VP (Jaime): Speakers for meetings
·         2nd VP (Emily): Career Fair update (We need the date, information on this ASAP!!  This is traditionally a major fundraiser for us and I am very worried about it coming together.  Please update the board ASAP!!!)
·         Secretary (Kristen): Send your board reports
·         Treasurer (April): Financial update – we need to meet with Rich Stilley to figure out financial situation
·         Legislative Director (Amanda and Kirsten): Lobby Day (2/17/11, registration deadline 2/10/11), resolution for NSNA
·         Community Service Directors (Lecresha and Camille): Events planned, awards?
o   Wesley Woods
o   ING Marathon (3/20/11)
·         Public Relations (Ashley): Fliers for GBANS meetings-these need to ALWAYS be done and posted a WEEK before the event, announcements still sent to Judy?
·         SGA (Erica): any updates?
·         BTN (Michelle): Events planned, Girl Scouts First Aid Workshop?, AWARD?
·         NEC (Shala): We need to re-write the by-laws and figure out when to hold the elections; need to include “meet the candidates”
·         Fundraising (Katie): Plans for the semester?
·         Reps (Jamie, Jason and Megan): Announcements about career fair and upcoming GBANS meeting (we will be talking about the events planned for the semester, NSNA convention, how to become a delegate for NSNA, opportunities to get more involved)
·         Website (Natasha): any updates?

IV. Anything else?

Board Reports:
I. Amanda Davis & Kirsten Anderson:
1. Revised Resolution for NSNA approval
2. Completed all necessary paperwork for Resolution submission to NSNA
3. Contacted Dr. Rowe re: Legislative Day / Tour scheduled

II. Michelle Davis:
·         October 6, 2010 spoke with contact from Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta on a possible event for Christmas.
·         October 10, 2010 spoke with an additional contact from Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta on details regarding possible Christmas event.
·         November 1, 2010 attended GBANS board meeting and discussed future plans for Girl Scout event.
·         December 11, 2010 spoke with Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta representative regarding Ronald McDonald event, was informed we are unable to help with this year’s event.
·         December 20, 2010 emailed new Girl Scout contact to inform troop of possible event in the upcoming year.
·         January 2, 2011 spoke with Sammie the troop leader interested in the Girl Scout event  via telephone we were able to come up with possible dates in late January and March.
·         January 6, 2011 emailed Sammie a copy of stations for the first aid patch.
·         January 10, 2011 spoke to Sammie via telephone she approved stations required for first aid patch and would like to set a date for the event asap.

III. Kristen Schloegel – Nothing to Report

IV. Erica Thompson:
·         Attended SGA Board Meeting 1/18/11

V. Natasha Wijesooriya:
·         The blog is up and running! www.gbans.blogspot.com

VI. Ashley Crumbley:
·         Nothing to report

VII. Lacresha Wilburn:
·         Contacted and discussed community service opportunities with Melissa Walker, activities director, of A.G. Rhodes Wesley Woods Health Rehab.

·         Attended GBANS January board meeting.

VIII. Camille Sterling:
·         Attended January Board  meeting
·         Attended end of the year celebration in December
·         11-19-10 Welcome House event was successful
·         Contacted Professor Iannazzone about ING marathon
IX. Katie J: Nothing to Report

X. Jaime Benator
·         waiting to hear back from the Flight RN regarding speaking out our February member meeting