On behalf of the Georgia Baptist Association of Nursing Students (GBANS), we would like to welcome you to our school nursing association blog! At Georgia Baptist College of Nursing of Mercer University, we take pride in our student nursing association.While you are a member of GBANS due to Total School Enrollment, we hope that you go a step further to take advantage of all the opportunities that GBANS has to offer.
Throughout the school year, GBANS members participate in various activities at the local, state, and national level. In the past year, we have participated in several Community Service and Breakthrough to Nursing events such as Welcome House, AIDS Gwinnett, a blood pressure and blood glucose screening, Team 65 Roses Hydration Station supporting Cystic Fibrosis, a Georgia health fair, a Mentor/Mentee Program, and a Girl Scouts of America First Aid Workshop. Furthermore, our involvement with legislative events has enabled students to partake in Lobby Day, an event where students attend the state capitol to lobby for healthcare and nursing issues that are of concern to them. GBANS members have also attended state and national conventions, participated in the House of Delegates, and presented resolutions at the state and national level. As you can see, GBANS gives you several opportunities to get involved with the school, allows you to network with others from around the nation, provides leadership opportunities, and most of all, enables you to directly impact nursing! We hold monthly member meetings where we invite nursing speakers from the community to discuss issues that interest you. We hope to see you all at a meeting soon! Please let us know if you have any questions about GBANS. Good luck this semester and we look forward to your involvement this year.